Why do I do it?

Note: I wrote this a month ago when my cat, Pie, died, but I didn’t have the heart to post it. Yesterday, I let my Yorkshire terrier, Rocky, go. Somehow I feel like it’s time to explain why I regret nothing, even though I’ve experienced the pain of losing two much...

Dual-identity dogs

I love this article from the Star-Ledger about bomb sniffing dogs who transform to family pets at night and on weekends. As one expert says: “Your dog’s never going to work harder than for the person that he loves,” said Bryan Szostak, treasurer of the...

Fresh Snow Fall

Yup, it snowed in New Jersey again.  This time we got about 14 inches!  So here’s Brodie the Snow Dog in action. “Where’s that snowball she just threw?  I swear it landed right here.” Galloping through the snow. Brodie loves the white stuff. ...

Brodie the Snowman Killer

My Darling Daughter built a snowman in our backyard after our most recent snowstorm.  Brodie “helped”, chomping on the snowballs as she rolled them, etc.  When the chilly fellow was finished, my D.D. came inside and called me to the window to admire her...