Bom dia, Lisboa!

For his 21st birthday trip, Super Son decided he wanted to go “someplace different”, so he chose Portugal.  The tour he liked had two parts: Lisbon and its environs  and the Douro River.  So we packed our bags and took off for the country of the great...

Why Philadelphia?

This was the question everyone asked when my Handsome Husband and I found ourselves with a dog-sitter, an open weekend, and cancelled travel plans. We decided to go to Philadelphia and no one could figure out why. Herewith are all the good reasons. First, I got a...

I love my job!

Why is it great to be a writer?  There are so many reasons—no commute, no pantyhose—but one major one is the cool stuff I get to do in the name of research. This time it involved food which is always a good thing, in my opinion. The hero of Book 3 in my Sanctuary...