Wacky Gifts for Guys #1

Let’s face it: it’s really hard to buy presents for the male of the species unless your holiday shopping budget runs to big screen TVs or yachts or Porsches.  Since most of us have to struggle with a slightly lower price limit,  I have scoured my catalogs...

Remember the names

You know me: I’m a big believer in Memorial Day.  It used to be just a day off for a cookout.  Now I find myself more and more thinking about what the holiday is really for: remembering the brave people who have given their lives in the service of their...

Transformation of the Tree

The tree is finally finished.  Yay!  I thought I’d share the stages of decoration since the tree’s transformation from bare naked fir to glitzy Christmas totem took several days.  Stage 1: Nothing but needles.  The Fraser fir is  a gorgeous shape though....