The Unseen Hand

It’s a term my favorite hockey announcer Doc Emrick uses to explain the invisible force that seems to help you in weird ways.   This is my "unseen hand" story:  Yesterday I had to drive Brodie the Devil Dog to Rover Ranch and Spa.   (Rover Ranch is a...

I’m a “face” now

Well, I’ m on Facebook anyway.  My Darling Daughter is horrified and made me swear never to attempt to “friend” her.  At the time, I didn’t know what that meant so I had no problem making the promise.  Of course, now I’m curious to see...

I wanna go back to college!

Parents’ Weekend at Darling Daughter’s new alma mater, Kenyon College, reminded me of how true it is that college is wasted on the young. First, the food.  When I was in college, we had a stainless steel tub of meat, a tub of vegetables, a tub of starch, and a tub of...

Life is Good!

O frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!  My Darling Daughter is home from college for four whole days!  This is the first time I’ve seen her since late August, and I’ve missed her a ton. D.D. is a freshman at Kenyon College in the cornfields of Ohio.  She loves...