
I loved the book…but how do I write a review?

This is a re-post of an older blog post I did after several readers asked me how to write a review on Amazon and other platforms. This doesn’t cover the actual posting part, just the writing part.

So here’s the post:

Reviews on Amazon and other websites are so important to an author. They help other readers find books that you enjoyed. If you loved the book, please consider writing a review!

“But I’m not a writer,” you say. “I’m nervous about writing a review.”

Here’s how to do it in a few very easy steps:

The Headline

Just a few words to kick off your review. You might use any of these categories to create your headline:

  1. Emotional response: “Loved this book!”
  2. Specific type of book: “Great small town romance!”
  3. Kind of character(s): “Hot billionaire.” or “Sassy heroine.”
  4. Endorsement:“Put this on your TBR list now!”

The Body.

Amazon recommends that you write between 75 and 500 words for a review. Their preferred minimum is 20, but if you give a book 5 stars and say, “This was one terrific read. I couldn’t put it down,” that is wonderful for the author.

Think about what you most liked about the book in one or more of these categories.

  1. Characters: Their job (veterinarian, chef, billionaire, office temp) and/or their qualities (cute, compassionate, sassy, angsty, tough).
  2. Setting: Small town, New York City, Mars, the mountains, the beach.
  3. Atmosphere: Light-hearted, dark and dangerous, sweet.
  4. Plot: Twisty, emotional, happy ending, straightforward.
  5. Writing: Vivid, poetic, spare, fast-paced, snappy dialogue.
  6. Premise: Small town girl meets high-powered businessman; marriage of convenience; Cinderella story; beauty and the beast.

You don’t have to answer all of these; just the one or two that really grabbed you.

Write the review. Fill in these blanks with the things you’ve thought about above.

I loved the (sassy heroine’s snarky dialogue)  and the (exotic setting in Bali).


 (The hot billionaire) and (the sweet country girl) made a great couple in this (emotional romance with a wonderful happy ending).


If you like (small town romance) you’ll love this story (set in the mountains of West Virginia) with a (sexy veterinarian) and an (ambitious lawyer.)


Love (beauty and the beast stories)? Try this (futuristic fantasy romance)  set on (Mars) with a (dark, twisty plot).

See how easy it is? Just fill in the blanks!

The Summary line.

To round off your review, show your enthusiasm for the book with one of these kinds of comments.

  1. I read it in one sitting!
  2. I read it twice!
  3. I told all my friends to read this book!
  4. I can’t wait for the next book from this author!
  5. I highly recommend this book!

Just follow these easy guidelines and you’ll have a super review. Your favorite author will be so grateful to you for your support!

Royal Caleva: Luis at special pre-order price

My sexy but lonely king in Royal Caleva: Luis is up for pre-order at a special price of $2.99 on Kindle. The price will go up to $4.99 a week after release day, June 25th, so grab my hot silver fox, King Luis, while he’s cheap.

Headline: Mobi and Skoda hope you'll support their friends who need help. Photo of two tabby cats on a blanket. Cover for Royal Caleva: Luis. Message: When you pre-order Royal Caleva: Luis, I donate to animal rescue groups.

As always, I will be donating a portion of my pre-order and release week royalties to one or more animal rescue organizations, so you’re supporting animals when you buy Royal Caleva: Luis. Mobi and Skoda—my rescued tabby brothers–thank you for that!

I enjoyed writing this book because it gave me the chance to create a love story for more mature characters. Not to mention that I found it fascinating to imagine how difficult it must be for a king to meet a woman who can see beyond the crown to the man. Luis has been king for a long time, so even he cannot separate who he is as a person from who he is as a leader. I loved exploring that.Book cover for Royal Caleva: Luis

For Luis’s heroine, I gave him a down-to-earth Midwesterner, Eve, because she would be less overawed by the pomp and tradition surrounding Luis. While I adore royal weddings and coronations and such, I am not a monarchist, so Eve wouldn’t be either. However, she is well aware of the vast gulf between Luis and herself.

The story unfolds in the island country of Caleva, where the water is turquoise blue, the lilies cure dementia, the vaho hibiscus waft their glorious fragrance, and giant frilled lizards roam the mountains. After reading Royal Caleva: Gabriel, many of my readers told me they wanted to book a vacation to Caleva. Honestly, so do I!

I hope you’ll consider pre-ordering Royal Caleva: Luis for your Kindle. If you prefer other formats, it will be available in print and audio on release day, June 25th.

Do you want to ask me questions?

Do you want to know what I’m working on now or or what my future projects are? Do you want to see my latest tiara? Do you want to meet my cats or hear about my travels?

You can do all this and more every Wednesday (almost!) at 2:00 PM ET on Facebook when I go live in “Writer Unedited”. Why “unedited”? Because I don’t have a script, I don’t get dressed up, I don’t have a fancy background…I just sit at my writing desk and chat. If you comment, I say hi! and answer your questions. I love having company, so please join me on Facebook here. If you miss it, I post all the LIVEs on my YouTube channel here. You can catch up with me anytime.

Happy Anniversary to me!

Woohoo! I am celebrating twenty years as a published author this month. Yup, my debut novel, A Bridge to Love, was released by Berkley (then part of Penguin) in August 2003. I can hardly believe it’s been that long because I’m barely any older than that newbie author. 😉A Bridge to Love cover

Now I have 18 published books. Wow! That’s crazy. (You can find them all listed on my website here.)

Don’t tell my other heroes, but Randall Johnson in A Bridge to Love may be my all time favorite male lead. Since I had no editor, no agent, no one telling me what to write, I wrote Randall just for me. He’s a self-made multimillionaire (because billionaires weren’t a thing back then) with a sexy Texas twang. He drives a Jaguar and owns a helicopter. He looks amazing in a tuxedo. And he puts all his many resources at Kate Chilton’s disposal when her child has an emergency. Le sigh.

To celebrate my 20th author anniversary, I am reducing the prices on my debut novel, A Bridge to Love, and on my other two standalone novels, Shower of Stars (published 2004) and Music of the Night (published 2008). They are all just 99 cents on Kindle for the entire month of August! This is my gift to you, my wonderful reader.

Click here for 99 cent sale.



The story behind the story: Uncovering the origins of ROYAL CALEVA: GABRIEL

It was in the midst of the dark days of the pandemic. I had turned in the last book in The Consultants series in May of 2020. The worst thing that can happen to a writer hit me right after that.

Burn out.

I had written three books in eighteen months to fulfill my contract. On top of that, the anxiety of the early pandemic was crushing me.

I couldn’t write a word.My Vorkosigan saga books

So I did what many of you did: I turned to reading to escape. Weirdly, I chose science fiction as my preferred genre, probably because it got me off this world and onto a different one. I became addicted to a series known as the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. It had characters that leaped off the page—especially the main hero, Miles Vorkosigan—and a fascinating universe, including three planets ruled by an emperor. I ripped through all 16 novels and the various associated novellas before I started at the beginning and read them again.

A spark of inspiration kindled in my brain. No, I wasn’t going to write science fiction, but I wanted to do world-building like Ms Bujold did. I still needed to escape from the real world situation, so I decided to set my barely flickering idea of a story in a brand new country that I constructed from the ground up. That country became Caleva (which is a mash-up of two Spanish words: caliente, meaning hot, and vaho, meaning mist or vapor, because the island is volcanic and there is still geothermal activity in some areas.)

Calevan liliesOh, I have had such fun waving my magic wand to create miraculously medicinal Calevan lilies that cure dementia. I love dragons but I don’t write fantasy, so I’ve had to enjoy them only in other people’s books. Then a friend sent me a postcard with a dragon-like lizard called a plumed basilisk. Thus was born the giant Calevan frilled dragon, featured on the country’s coat of arms.

Miles Vorkosigan is a nobleman on his world, related to the emperor. I loved all the court intrigue, so I waved my wand again to bring forth a monarchy, headed by the very hot silver fox, King Luis IV. Then I conjured up the royal family around him.


Gabriel, Duke of Bencalor

Gabriel, Duke of Bencalor, burst out of my brain and into the story. He’s a royal duke, third in line for the Dragon Throne, and he plays flamenco guitar. Not to mention that he made a great sacrifice to save his cousin, Prince Raul, whom he grew up with and loves like a brother.

Quinn had to be an American and utterly unsuitable to be the romantic partner of a royal duke. She has an ugly past that’s a matter of public record and a father who’s a con man. But she is also brilliant, independent, and perceptive.

Then I had a ton of fun creating the secondary characters: the royal family (who will get their own books), Quinn’s father and uncle, and Quinn’s dark, enigmatic boss, Mikel.

I wrote with joy and abandon, letting the characters and story take me wherever the Muse wanted to go.

That was great for my creative brain, but my business brain looked at the word count and said, “Uh-oh!” I was already at 100,00 words (by comparison, my previous novel, The Agent, was 86,000 words) and the story was nowhere near finished. I might have cursed a bit at that moment.

So I tried to turn Gabriel and Quinn’s story into two volumes. I wrote a dramatic suspense scene for the end of Volume I. I made myself cry with the final emotional moments of that volume. Then I launched myself into Volume II.

About a third of the way into Volume II, I stalled out. I didn’t have enough story left to support a whole second book. At the same time, my publisher said they didn’t want a two-volume story. I didn’t blame them, honestly. I didn’t either. But that meant that I was going to have to self-publish this book.

What might have been a disappointing rejection became a liberating release.

I ripped out the dramatic suspense scene and gut-wrenching emotional climax at the end of Volume I, tore up the opening scene of Volume II, mashed together the two volumes, and kept going. Since this was going to be a long book no matter what, I set my Muse to dancing for as long as she wanted to boogie.

As a result, when I finished, Royal Caleva: Gabriel was a whopping 154,000+ words long!

There was a lot of editing ahead of me. So much that my right eye sometimes stopped functioning properly. When that happened, I would keep it closed and peer at the screen with only my left eye. Eventually, I whittled the book down to 143,000 words, which translates into roughly 548 printed pages. It’s a BIG book.

I like it that way. I wanted to give you, my wonderful reader, an immersive experience, a way to escape from this world and dive into a new one. My fictional world has its own problems, of course, but they get resolved and you can always count on a happily ever after.

Join me in traveling to the island country of Caleva, eight hundred miles off the coast of Spain, where lilies bloom, dragons roam, and sexy dukes play flamenco guitar. 


Goodreads giveaway until April 22nd

I’m giving away three AUTOGRAPHED print copies of ROYAL CALEVA: GABRIEL on Goodreads. The giveaway ends April 22nd so don’t delay in signing up for a chance to win!


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Royal Caleva by Nancy Herkness

Royal Caleva

by Nancy Herkness

Giveaway ends April 22, 2023.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Thanksgiving is fun!

My extended family gathers at my sister’s house every year for Thanksgiving…for several days! (Yes, my sister and her family are saints.) We eat and drink a lot but we also have a ton of non-food-related fun.

Last year, we decorated potatoes–and one lemon when we ran out of potatoes–to look like turkeys (sort of) and then put them on wheels…because you can’t win at decorating. We raced them down a ramp to see who built the fastest turkey.

Racing our potato turkeys…and one lemon!

We also did yoga, competed at trivia, and played various cutthroat card games. There was puzzle-working and bhangra dancing, crokinole and indoor bocce ball, pickleball and brewery visits. It’s like summer camp for grown-ups!

I wish you as much fun at your Thanksgiving celebration as I will have at mine. May your day be filled with the warmth and blessings of family and friends.

Most of all, I want you to know how thankful I am to have you as my terrific, supportive reader. You are right up there on my gratitude list!

Hugs, Nancy

A burst of summer

I’m kind of a gazpacho aficionado which means I’m both a fan and picky. Barbara Samuel O’Neal–who writes the most marvelous books–shared a recipe for watermelon gazpacho that sounded interesting, so I made it last night. Wow! It is absolutely delicious! It tastes like summer and freshness, and it’s totally healthy. It’s filled with watermelon (obviously), grape tomatoes, half an English cucumber, scallions, red pepper, lime juice, and a jalapeno pepper (optional but I like a little kick).

Note: It’s supposed to be garnished with cilantro which would make it much prettier but I forgot to buy the cilantro. Oops! It still tastes amazing. I can’t wait to eat more.

Any other gazpacho fans out there?

Thank you, wonderful readers…all one million of you!

My publisher just sent me this handsome trophy to mark an achievement I never dreamed I would reach: one million readers have bought my books! I am awed and humbled by this number. While I am very proud of my stories, this accomplishment was a joint effort between me and all the amazing folks at Montlake Publishing. They are incredibly smart, hardworking, and innovative. My books would not have reached all of you without their support.

But really, I want to thank YOU, my readers…all one million of you! (Wow, that sounds like a lot.) You are the ones who have spent your hard-earned money on my books. You are the ones who tell me via email, Facebook, reviews, notes, etc., that I should keep writing because my stories mean something to you. You are truly the wind beneath my writer’s wings!

I bow down and lay my virtual pen at your feet in tribute to your enthusiasm and encouragement. Love you guys!

P.S. If you read the fine print on the trophy, I hit the million-reader mark last July but I just got the trophy yesterday. I was waiting for it to arrive before I thanked you, but I didn’t expect it to take quite so long, I have to admit. Sorry for the delay! LOL!


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