Fresh Snow Fall

Yup, it snowed in New Jersey again.  This time we got about 14 inches!  So here’s Brodie the Snow Dog in action. “Where’s that snowball she just threw?  I swear it landed right here.” Galloping through the snow. Brodie loves the white stuff. ...

Brodie the Snowman Killer

My Darling Daughter built a snowman in our backyard after our most recent snowstorm.  Brodie “helped”, chomping on the snowballs as she rolled them, etc.  When the chilly fellow was finished, my D.D. came inside and called me to the window to admire her...

Brodie finds a friend

Okay, so his friend looks like the Hound of the Baskervilles but he’s really just a two-year-old German Shepherd named Trace who belongs to my friend Lynn.  The first time the two of them met, they ran around my backyard in circles and figure 8s for twenty...

Meet the newest member of our family

Heeeeere’s Brodie!  We just picked him up from his foster home with the lovely folks of Golden Retriever Rescue.  He’s fourteen months old and has a few discipline issues–not surprising for a youngster who’s had four homes in his short...